Cybera, in partnership with ISAIC, is hosting a hackathon with the goal of discovering how rural connectivity impacts the quality of life, economic diversification, and education for rural and remote communities in Alberta.
Through this four-week online sprint, participants will be able to work in groups, or individually, to solve a real world data challenge. Industry experts will be on-hand to provide an inside look at the issue of rural connectivity and how to be part of the solution. Participants will be provided with data sets, computational tools, and professional development opportunities to help polish their skills.

Over $4,000 in prizes is available for the winners of this month-long hackathon. Registration will remain open until April 30, 2021. Participants must be residents of Alberta and over the age of 18.
Learn more about the Bridging the Connectivity Challenge Hackathon here.
About organizing partners: Cybera is Alberta’s not-for-profit organization responsible for driving economic growth through the use of digital technology. Our core role is to oversee the development and operations of Alberta’s cyberinfrastructure — the advanced system of networks and computers that keep government, educators, not-for-profits, and entrepreneurs at the forefront of technological change. We work with our members to ensure a connected future for all Albertans. ISAIC [ai-zey-ihk] provides infrastructure and high-performance computing that is affordable, tailorable, and scalable. Our data sandboxes allow you to collaborate easily and safely in a virtual environment while working and experimenting with high quality data. Throughour strategic partnerships, we connect you to applied knowledge and resources to help move your AI journey forward. |