
Global validation (on the networking scale)

By Joe Topjian / Oct 14, 2020

Picture this scenario: It’s a few days before Christmas. You awaken in a panic and rush to the airport. While running through the terminals, you unknowingly take a wrong turn, and instead of boarding a plane to Miami, you instead board a plane to New York City. Is this the […]

Cybera’s response to CRTC investigation on disaggregated wholesale access

By Imran Mohiuddin / Oct 6, 2020

On June 11, 2020, the CRTC issued a Call for comments – Appropriate network configuration for disaggregated wholesale high-speed access services. Their goal was to address a number of outstanding issues related to the Commission’s earlier decision (2015-326) to move Canada’s wholesale high speed access regime from a disaggregated to an […]

New board members will strengthen Cybera’s education, non-profit focus

By Admin / Sep 30, 2020

Cybera is pleased to welcome three new members to our Board of Directors. Roy Daykin, John Schutte, and Helen Wetherly Knight will bring impressive experience and knowledge of the education and not-for-profit sectors to Cybera’s board. Roy DaykinChief Financial Officer and Vice President, Corporate Services, SAIT With more than 30 years […]

Piloting a Canadian route to Microsoft Azure: lessons learned

By Joe Topjian / Sep 23, 2020

Public clouds, such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, are increasingly becoming a popular choice for hosting an organization’s IT infrastructure and services. They can often provide managed and semi-managed services more efficiently than an average in-house IT department. With more Cybera members leveraging public cloud services such as these, […]

University of Alberta sees many upsides after switching to IPv6

By Meagan Hampel / Sep 3, 2020

In 2018, the University of Alberta switched its wifi to IPv6 (internet protocol version 6). Raymond Richmond, Team Lead for IST at the University, talks about his experience with becoming IPv6-enabled, and the benefits that have come with making the change. (One of the biggest benefits right now is being […]

Cost savings and new training initiatives: the latest from ShareIT

By Admin / Aug 6, 2020

Alberta’s ShareIT public procurement program has reported its most productive quarter ever in terms of creating cost savings. Between April 1 and June 30, 2020, the program facilitated $4.26 million in savings for its participating institutions. This number was calculated by comparing the actual spend on IT tools, licensing, and services […]

“Rage Against the Machine [Learning]” Hockey vs. Data Science

By Graham Sucha / Aug 5, 2020

A strong understanding of math is one skill commonly needed to be a successful data scientist. Some of the most successful data scientists have a vast array of mathematical skills they can use — along with programming expertise — to run a data science project.  Often when Cyberans discuss machine […]

Data science industry fellowship helps Albertans gain real-world experience

By Admin / Aug 4, 2020

Cybera, in partnership with Alberta Innovates, has resumed its Data Science Industry Fellowships that was successfully piloted in 2019. The program, which commenced today, helps emerging data scientists (fellows) gain employment opportunities by providing them with real-world data science experience. In parallel, the fellowships support Alberta-based organizations in adopting data […]

The ties that bind Alberta’s tech administrators

By Meagan Hampel / Jul 29, 2020

Between May 2019 and February 2020, Cybera held a series of half-day round table sessions in Red Deer, Lethbridge, Grande Prairie, Edmonton and Calgary. Our goal was to review the digital resources currently being used by Alberta’s public and education sectors to create efficiencies and improve computational literacy. We also […]

Cybera continues to drive cost-savings for Alberta’s education sector

By Admin / Jul 2, 2020

Cybera has once again dropped the set rate for bandwidth in its Internet Buying Group, reducing the price from $1.35 to $1.30 per Mbps. This is the 14th price drop for the bulk buying service since its launch in 2012. Coupled with Cybera’s Peering service, the Internet Buying Group has so far […]

Cybera’s shared procurement service adds audiovisual / Adobe licensing services

By Admin / Jun 30, 2020

The Cybera-operated Alberta ShareIT Program provides cybersecurity and training services to Alberta’s education sector, as well as a highly valued cost-saving procurement service. This procurement service has now expanded its catalogue of offerings. With schools and post-secondary institutions adapting to the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for […]