Introducing Terraform: Part 1
Introduction Terraform is a tool from Hashicorp, the same startup responsible for Vagrant and Consul, that enables users to “declaratively design” infrastructure and have those designs materialize into working components. This series will cover what exactly that means, why Terraform is so interesting, and how to use it. Declarative Configuration Declarative Configuration is a […]
New Google connection in Calgary will speed up (and lower costs) of internet for all Albertans
Twenty years ago, the first Internet Exchange (IX) was set up in Canada (in Toronto). It was soon followed by a second, in Ottawa. Today, Canada has eight IX’s, including two here in Alberta – the YEGIX in Edmonton, and the YYCIX in Calgary. Why this explosion of exchange points? […]
Today’s startups need to stay nimble: how technology can help
Calgary’s Paper Interactive, Inc. offers a good lesson for startups on the benefits of staying open to new ideas. The company behind ContractClub (a cloud-based contract management and digital signature platform) actually began as a group of engineering students looking to solve a common issue for wind-powered generator companies: accurately […]
Testing Redundancy for Google Service
Category: Google Services Start Time: 2017-03-17 8:00 am Local time. (Friday) End Time: 2017-03-17 4:00 pm Local times. Anticipated outage duration: No Outage During the time frame indicated above, CYBERA will be adding a redundant connection to Google Services at YYCIX ( Calgary) Internet Exchange. During the above outage window […]
The future is already here: It’s just not very evenly distributed
The story behind the Cyber Summit 2017 theme “The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed” is a quote by William Gibson, a writer who has explored the effects of technology, cybernetics and computer networks on humans. The visionaries within the Prairies’ Research and Education Networks work […]
OpenConext Deployment: Part #3
By Andrew Klaus, former security advisor, Cybera In part two, I explained how to create the repository for configuration management, and deploy infrastructure to support the OpenConext platform. In this part, I’ll be covering how to prepare the Ansible environment, install OpenConext, and test if the installation was successful. Prerequisites […]
Astronomers Use Cybera’s Rapid Access Cloud To Find ‘Very Unusual’ Star System
Adapted from the University of Alberta press release This graphic features an artist’s impression of the extraordinarily close stellar pairing, known as X9. Photo credit: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Astronomers from the University of Alberta have found evidence of a star that orbits around a black hole every 28 […]
Shaw scheduled maintenance
Category: Calgary Supernet Maintenance Start Time: 2017-03-11 18:00 Local time. (Saturday) End Time: 2017-03-11 18:30 Anticipated outage duration: 10 minutes During the time frame indicated above, SHAW will be performing maintenance on the Cybera to Supernet connection in Calgary. The outage duration should be less than the total duration of the […]
OpenConext Deployment: Part #2
By Andrew Klaus, former security advisor, Cybera In part one, I talked about what myUnifiED is and the various tools Cybera has used to deploy it. In this post, I’ll be covering how to create the repository for configuration management, and deploy infrastructure to support the OpenConext platform. To keep […]
Cybera maintenance – tonight
Category: EDMONTON router maintenance Start Time: 2017-03-08 21:30 Local time. (Wednesday evening) End Time: 2017-03-08 21:45 Anticipated Outage Duration: 15 minutes or less During the time frame indicated above, Cybera will be performing maintenance on one of its virtual core router in Edmonton. The outage duration should be less than […]
OpenConext Deployment: Part #1
By Andrew Klaus, former security advisor, Cybera Cybera is working on a two year pilot to create an Identity Federation for K-12 schools in Alberta, called myUnifiED. This Identity Federation will use OpenConext, an open source hub and spoke federation platform, as the technical solution. In this three part blog […]
CRTC Declares Broadband Internet Access a Basic Telecommunications Service – How Communities Can Benefit
Griping about a slow internet connection has become the unofficial pastime of rural Canadians. But a recent CRTC decision may improve this state of affairs. In December 2016, the commission ruled that residential fixed broadband and mobile broadband internet access are basic telecommunications services—equal in importance to the landline telephone […]
Axia/Supernet scheduled maintenance (Calgary)
Category: Calgary Supernet Maintenance AXIA Change Ticket # CA0001322541 Start Time: 2017-02-08 00:01 Local time. (Wednesday) End Time: 2017-02-08 06:00 Anticipated Outage Duration: 5 minutes During the time frame indicated above, Axia/Supernet will be performing maintenance at the Calgary PoP. The outage duration should be less than the total duration of […]
Axia/Supernet scheduled maintenance (Edmonton)
Category: EDMONTON Supernet Maintenance AXIA Change Ticket # CA0001322911 Start Time: 2017-02-15 00:01 Local time. (Wednesday) End Time: 2017-02-15 06:00 Anticipated Outage Duration: 5 minutes During the time frame indicated above, Axia/Supernet will be performing maintenance at the Edmonton PoP. The outage duration should be less than the total duration of […]
Alberta’s Rapid Access Cloud unveils free tools for powerful computing and deep learning
As data analysis becomes more complex — with people looking to sort through, process and visualize information from massive volumes of data — traditional computers are proving ill-suited to carry out such deep learning / artificial intelligence work. Graphics processing units (GPUs), however, are a great fit for these applications. […]