Surveillance and Privacy: Reconciling the two in our new world order
Pre-Summit Talk
November 26, 2020, 11:00am - 12:30pm MST
Speaker: Rick Klumpenhouwer - Partner, Cerena
Surveillance, in its many forms, is no longer the wave of the future: it’s here and it’s everywhere. Pandemic tracking, virtual workplaces, public security fears, our entire expanded online lives – these conditions make surveillance an opportunity for some and a threat to many during the troubled times we live in.
This workshop will begin with a number of recent examples of how surveillance is becoming much more a part of our lives through technology that has been available for some time and the circumstances we find ourselves in right now. There are a lot of confusing concepts and misconceptions that are clouding the waters, so what are the access and privacy rules for the collection, use, disclosure, security of, and access to, personal information that are currently should be regulating surveillance?
We’ll then explore the multitude of surveillance mechanisms available to non-profits and public service organizations and help participants identify those systems and techniques their organizations may currently have in place, and those that may be projects in the works. We will examine the legal limits to surveillance within the public, health and private sector regulatory environments, and talk about the applications of surveillance that have run afoul of some of those laws. Lastly, we will help participants map out a plan to manage institutional risk around surveillance through effective privacy governance measures: working and workable policy and procedures; comprehensive privacy impact assessment tools and processes; and, yes, effective surveillance of surveillance.