Following last month’s decision by the CRTC to declare that broadband is a basic service for all Canadians, Cybera is pleased to offer Alberta’s public sector another piece of good news: a major cost reduction in their internet services.
As of January 1, 2017, rates for Cybera’s Internet Buying Group have been reduced from $5.00 to $3.75 per Mbps. This decrease stems from the growing demand for internet bandwidth: in the last year alone, the amount of bandwidth purchased through the Internet Buying Group has increased by 86% (from 4.9 Gbps in December 2015 to 9.1 Gbps in December 2016). It also reflects the more competitive rates being offered by Internet Service Providers as they factor in new government regulations, such as the CRTC’s provisions on wholesale rates.
This is the eighth major price decrease that Cybera’s Internet Buying Group has implemented since its launch in mid-2012 (its original price of $14/Mbps came at a time when some Alberta schools were paying upwards of $150/Mbps). The service was specifically developed to address the needs for equitable internet rates for all Alberta public sector institutions — no matter their size or location.
The buying group is just one service implemented by Cybera to reduce internet costs. Cumulatively, these services generated over $3 million in cost efficiencies for Alberta’s public sector in the last year alone.
If you have any questions about any of Cybera’s networking services, please contact our network administration team.