Cybera is about to launch a suite of new security services, including CyBear! Hailing from the Canadian Rockies, this cybernetic grizzly will protect kids and “cubs” in Alberta’s school districts from malicious online agents.
… Okay, CyBear may be an April Fool’s joke, but the increase in cyber threats is not.
Cyber attacks are on the rise across Canada and around the world. According to a 2021 CIRA Survey of cybersecurity decision-makers across Canada, 36% had seen an increase in cyber attacks in the previous year (up from 29% in 2020), and 17% were hit with a ransomware attack in 2020. This means detection, tracking, and assessing possible vulnerabilities are becoming more vital.
This is why Cybera is launching three new security services next week for our wider member community. While not as adorable as CyBear, they will provide Alberta’s public and education sectors the information and protection options needed to better secure all our “cubs.”
To learn more, subscribe to Cybera’s mailing list.
*The images above are intended purely as satire, parody, or spoof and as such are not reflective of the creator’s opinion*.