Members of the Alberta Internet Buying Group may have noticed their internet bill was a little lower this month. July 2016 marked the seventh major decrease in the cost of bandwidth for the group, which was reduced from $5.75/Mbps to $5.00/Mbps.
This month also marks the fourth anniversary of the Internet Buying Group. To celebrate its achievements over the past four years, Cybera has developed an infographic and video to demonstrate the benefits of this shared buying cooperative:
Infographic (click for detailed view):
How the Internet Buying Group Supports Albertans: Video
To find out more about the Internet Buying Group, and how to get connected, contact us at
About the Internet Buying Group
The Internet Buying Group reduces internet costs for publicly funded institutions in Alberta by pooling members’ internet traffic. As Alberta’s not-for-profit technology accelerator, Cybera negotiates a bulk bandwidth rate from commercial Internet Service Providers to provide members with high-speed internet services at a reduced rate.
About Cybera
Cybera is a not-for-profit technology-neutral organization responsible for driving Alberta’s economic growth through the use of digital technology. Its core role is to oversee the development and operations of Alberta’s cyberinfrastructure — the advanced system of networks and computers that keeps government, educational institutions, not-for-profits, business incubators and entrepreneurs at the forefront of technological change.