Alberta Innovates announced today a new series of funding for projects that will support economic growth and innovation in the province’s tech sector. Cybera is pleased to be one of the recipients of the funding for its newly established Applied Data Science Lab for Economic Development.
The Data Science Lab will build off the success of Cybera’s Data Science for Albertans program, which was established five years ago to provide budding data scientists and small companies the opportunity to trial a real-world data science project. As its successor, this new program will continue to offer free tools, consultation services, and workshops to help encourage the adoption of data science within organizations, while supporting the career growth of Albertans interested in joining this field.
The heart of the Data Science Lab will be the real-world data science projects facilitated by Cybera. These projects will support emerging data science talent, while helping organizations — including small and medium-sized businesses, start-ups, and not-for-profits — develop proof-of-concept and prototype data science tools, through the lab’s “Breadth” and “Depth” cohort programs.
Unlike Cybera’s previous Data Science Fellowships, this program will operate throughout the year, and offer longer work integrated learning internships (from two to six months). This will enable more hands-on growth opportunities for data scientists, and better support companies through their data product development.
“For almost a decade, data science and machine learning technologies have been at the forefront of growth for businesses and organizations looking to improve their efficiencies,” says Dr. Byron Chu, Data Science Project Manager at Cybera. “This program, thanks to the support from Alberta Innovates, will advance the amazing work done thus far throughout Alberta to help individuals and organizations maximize their potential, and help the province become a global economic leader in advanced technologies.”
“Alberta’s technology and innovation sector is growing, creating jobs and finding solutions,” says Minister Doug Schweitzer, Jobs, Economy and Innovation. “We know the importance of ensuring the correct supports are in place to help small- and medium-sized technology companies grow and bring their ideas to market. The investments being made in these organizations will help solidify Alberta’s reputation as a growing and thriving technology hub.”

Selection for next cohort will take place this summer
The Applied Data Science Lab’s “Breadth” and “Depth” cohort programs will operate year round, with the first cohort commencing October 2022.
Early intakes have begun for data scientists and organizations interested in participating this fall.
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